Electric Car Charging
While very few states have regulatory requirements around electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS), they are not ignoring the rise in popularity and the impact that fewer gas-powered cars on the road will have on transportation budgets. David Donoho, PE, Transportation Principal, provided insight to the future impact of electric vehicles on transportation planning and DOTs.
Traditionally, most DOTs (Department of Transportation) primarily fund road maintenance and repair with fuel tax (money collected every time you fill up your tank at the gas station). As the amount of electric vehicles on the road increases, the amount of fuel tax collected is decreasing. While there is a user fee for electric vehicles, many DOTs are concerned that unless the funding changes, the amount of resources to fund and repair roads will dry up.
One answer is to impose a vehicle miles-traveled (VMT) tax – an annual tax based on a vehicle’s miles traveled per year (the more you drive, the more you pay for the roads). While no state has yet to impose a vehicle miles-traveled (VMT) tax on private vehicles, a few states are running pilot programs and working to garner public support. (Commercial vehicles basically pay a VMT tax as the fuel tax is paid to each state based on their miles traveled in the respective state.) The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has $125 million allocated to fund national, state, and local VMT pilot programs to replace fuel taxes.
Advantages to VMT
Disadvantages to VMT
Electric Vehicle Charging Station series links:
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 101
Design Considerations for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Designing EV Charging Station Infrastructure
Building Sustainability with Electric Vehicles
The Future Impact of Electric Vehicles on Transportation Planning
Do you have questions about electric vehicle charging stations? Don’t hesitate to reach out to SSR for our guidance and expertise. Email info@ssr-inc.com and someone will promptly follow up.