Shaping the future.

Transportation planning plays a fundamental role in shaping a state, region, or community’s vision for its future. The overall goal is to devise a plan which incorporates safety, efficient energy use, reduced pollution, and considers alternative modes of transport that will enhance efficiency. These plans can incorporate streetscapes, traffic calming measures, new road networks, road diets and widening, access management, traffic signalization, and ROW dedication to deliver the best solution for the unique situation at hand. Our team of experienced transportation planners examine the prediction of usage demands to cater to that demand. This planning is essential in shaping cities, enabling economic development, promoting community interaction, and enhancing the quality of life for community residents.

At SSR, we can help with your planning and capital projects needs assistance. With local, municipal, and state governments, we will work with you to determine your needs and provide the consultation expertise for your specific project to assist in its success, from the conception of the idea through the final reading.

Transportation Planning Services

Capital Improvement Plans

We help formulate capital projects plan for city and county governments. This is a detailed analysis of future infrastructure needs using local input, including upcoming roadway, water, and sewer projects. We work with you to identify potential grant funding and loan funding sources to help subsidize your project and help outline potential pathways to project funding.

Five year Capital Improvement Plan Spreadsheet

Major Thoroughfare Plans

State regulations have evolved the requirements for implementation of major thoroughfare plans with new development. We can assist with recrafting the major thoroughfare plan to help meet the change in state law, and to help define the nexus for need for projects identified in a capital project or transportation plan. Conversely, the local government’s major thoroughfare plan can research average daily traffic counts over time and other factors to help identify needed transportation projects to be included in capital improvement plan.

Corridor Plans

Local governments recognize the need to put a plan in place to revitalize highways, interchanges, and important gateways. While part of the solution is to inject public and private dollars into stretches of critical roadway and infrastructure, the need to examine zoning and land use, pedestrian facilities, and streetscaping on a corridor can be essential to fully unlock the potential of a roadway. We help local governments with unique transportation and planning solutions to achieve success for your citizens over time with a plan that works for your county or city.

Access Management

A large number of access points on an arterial roadway creates problems with congestion and highway safety on roads intended to move traffic. We work with cities to identify regulations and policies for new development, changes of use, and create ordinances that work to limit ingress and egress on a roadway over time. We also assist with putting these policies in place for new roadway design before it becomes a problem.

Sidewalk Network Analysis

Cities often lack the resources to allocate staff time to assess existing pedestrian facilities. An effective sidewalk network analysis includes what projects are needed based on walking trends, what gaps are in the sidewalk network, and what are the low-cost projects that can be completed at a high return. We work with your governments to put together this information and provide an efficient plan to help guide annual budgeting, capital improvement plans, and grant applications.

Repaving Plans

Repaving is a major budget expense for local governments. Working with the local government staff, SSR provides a detailed plan to prioritize repaving needs.

Grant Assistance

SSR works with local governments to compile information and submit grant applications to state and federal departments and agencies. A significant number of opportunities are available to help subsidize capital project needs. We act as on-call consultants, staying up to date on possible funding opportunities, and offering guidance and execution in the grant application process.

Meet The Team

David Donoho


Senior Principal

Grant Green


Senior Transportation / Urban Planner

Nicholas Meek

Urban and Regional Planner

James Aker

GIS Specialist
