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Compliance News Volume X, Issue VI


The ECRI Institute recently published a 25-page special report entitled “ECRI Institute 2013 Top 10 Health Technology Hazards” – available at In its introduction, ECRI encourages facilities to use the list of generic hazards as a “starting point for patient safety discussions and for setting their health technology safety priorities.” This report is comprehensive with a multitude of useful recommendations along with exhaustive lists of further reference publications. We recommend that our readers use the link above to acquire their own copies of the ECRI publication for review and possible action.

ECRI stated that it considered a number of factors in determining which hazards actually made it to the top 10 list, including potential for harm, frequency/likelihood of the hazard, how widespread is the hazard, whether the problem is difficult to recognize or challenging to rectify, and whether the hazard has a high profile in the media.
